Members please double check the roster.We are a dynamic club and changes can occur!
Reminder: if you are rostered on and cannot make it, please find someone to cover your spot.
Upcoming Key Dates .
May 3rd Eaglehawk Club Trivia night, see below.
Co-President's report
Co-presidents’ Report - 12th April, 2024 Co-presidents Ray Carrington and Adrian Schoo
Club Forum: James Dalton presented at our club forum to provide more detail about the Bendigo Sheep and WoolShow, and to answer questions. We will have a short discussion about possible involvement at our next club meeting.
Board positions: Thank you Paul Henderson for sharing the secretarial role together with Ted Gretgrix during next Rotary year. Great to see more role sharing as it makes associated tasks so much more doable.
Since Rob Rosaia wishes to step back somewhat from being Community Service Director after a number of years in that role, we are appealing to club members to consider taking on this role for next year. Please contact
either Ray or Adrian as soon as possible for information on what the role entails. Rob will be available to assist a new director on an as-needs basis.
City of Greater Bendigo: Ted and Colleen attended a well organised Bendigo Easter Festival Thank You function at the Ulumbarra Theatre and received a recognition placard on behalf of our club.
Also, the City and Bendigo Bank Bendigo Business Excellence Awards are currently seeking expressions of interest for enthusiastic, experienced and passionate individuals to be a part of the 2024 Judging Panel. For more
information and to register your interest, please contact Josh DeAraugo, Excellence Awards Program Manager, directly
District conference showcase: Thank you to the volunteers assisting on Thursday setting up the gym/hall of BSC for the Rotary showcases. We wish all delegates an enjoyable conference. You may have seen the article on the
conference in the newspaper and seen the photographer at the conference to take some shots. Last but not least, please contact John Cannon if you can assist him early Sunday afternoon to dismantle them.
Karen Community: We have sent a letter of support to assist the community with their application for cultural showcase support.
Ray and Adrian
Club Service Board Report for April 2024
Colleen has joined the Bulletin team.
Jim has been asking guest speakers if they want to receive the bulletin and sending their
email address to the communications team
Currently there is plenty of merchandise available to purchase
There is an updated Clubrunner (CR Nova) being released that has resolved a lot of issues
in the past and has new features.
We currently have 2 websites – a public one and the CR one. The public one needs
updating. I have had discussions with Paul and Ted whether we need two (especially with
the updated version of CR). Further discussion needs to be had.
The team is looking at organising a function before the end of this Rotary year
Consideration is being given on how to engage the diverse multicultural groups in Bendigo.
Graeme plans to contact Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services to start getting a picture
of the different groups in Bendigo and how to introduce them to the Club.
The new process for breakfast has been working well. No issues have been bought to my
attention by either Peppergreen Farm or our members.
Badges: the design has been decided by the members and badges are now available to
If members want to get a new badge, a bulk order can be made which will reduce the item
cost. Members will need to pay for their badge. Partner badges can also be ordered.
The Future Committee has been meeting to identify potential ways to strengthen the futureof the Club and to develop a framework to take to the members to progress the concept.
One more home host still needed for Malaysian Special School teachers
The Rotary Clubs in Bendigo, Echuca-Moama, Rochester and Castlemaine are
hosting 8 Malaysian specialist education teachers to gain hands-on, practical
experience in schools in Bendigo and Echuca.
We still need one home host for two visiting Malaysian Special School teachers over the period Sunday 14 to Saturday 27 April. Even if you can contribute a week for one teacher, please let Lindsay know (details below) as we might be able to make up this two week of hosting with a combination of stays. All of the visiting eight teachers are women and are aged between 25 and 40.
If you have any questions and/or can help, please contact Lindsay Jolley (International Director, Rotary Club of Bendigo South - coordinator for Bendigo visit) on 0416 192 032 or