Weekly Bulletin
Meets: Wednesdays at 7:00am for 7:30am 
PepperGreen Farm
40-44 Thunder St, North Bendigo 3550
PO Box 1122, Bendigo 3552
Welcome to Issue 34 (2023-24) of our weekly bulletin.
 Find out about our upcoming events, who our guest speakers are, what we covered during the last meeting and more!
Can't make our meeting in person please join us via Zoom:
Our Weekly Roster 
3 -April
Kim Wallace
Anglicare Kinship Program
Lisa Renato
Planning for Easter
Paul Lloyd
Project Lemur - Madagascar
Meeting Location
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Barb Mitchell
Doug Lougoon
Stan Hendy
Barb Mitchell
Cathie Miller
Barb Mitchell
Doug Lougoon
Ted Gretgrix
Set-Up 6.45am
Stew Annan
Toni Carrington
Ian Johnson
Paul Kirkpatrick
Linda Barrow
Ted Gretgrix
Colleen McCarthy
Rob Rosaia
John Cannon
John Harkin
Ned Upton
Jim Rolfe
                Members please double check the roster. We are a dynamic club and changes can occur!
Reminder: if you are rostered on and cannot make it, please find someone to cover your spot.
Upcoming Key Dates ..
15th to 17th - Barham Social Weekend Phone 5453 2553 to book and say you are from Rotary.
17th - Bendigo Sustainability Festival BBQ - Wanted BBQ Crew
29th - Easter Friday Market & BBQ
31st - Easter Sunday Market
12th - 14th - District Conference @ Bendigo.
Co-President's report
 In following up from the constructive discussion about the regionalisation pilot we had at our last club meeting, I (Adrian) attended a Zoom meeting the following day that was attended by most clubs in the district and also by the Swan Hill Sun Risers who, together with Kerang, will be part of our newly formed Rotary Community Group (i.e., Group 5 in our District).
The sentiment at the meeting was very similar to that of our club meeting last week. The purpose of the meeting was not to arrive at binding commitments, but to explain the reason for this pilot and to seek ideas around the three posed questions. I will expand on this a bit more at our next club meeting and will forward relevant information in case that becomes available. In the meantime, the process has started to appoint and train a Community Leader to support the clubs in our community from July 2024 onwards.
In relation to the upcoming Sustainability Festival on Sunday 17 March, please contact Stew Annan if you can help out (even if it is for a short time).
As noted previously, it was agreed by our members to spend a minimum of $10 per person on food/drinks/donation at our meeting venue in order to cover the basic costs of the farm’s operation.
In the meantime, we look forward to this week’s meeting.
Co-Presidents Ray & Adrian.
Guest speaker - 6th March
Unfortunately, our planned guest speaker wasn't able to join us via Zoom, so an impromptu "club forum" was held around the regionalisation process. See the comments in the Co-Presidents report above.
Bendigo Sustainability Festival 17th March
Our Club has a commitment to run a BBQ at the festival and BBQ crew members are required. Please advise Stu Annan if you can give some time during the day.
Home hosting visiting Malaysian Special School teachers.
We are seeking home hosts for a group of visiting Malaysian Special School teachers.
Bendigo, Castlemaine and Echuca-Moama Rotary Clubs are hosting eight Malaysian specialist education teachers to gain hands-on, practical experience in schools in Bendigo and Echuca. Our Rotary Clubs have partnered with Malaysian Rotary Clubs to enable the visit.
In Bendigo, both Kalianna School and Bendigo Specialist Developmental School have agreed to host the teachers over a four-week period. We need home hosting for eight teachers, each for a period of two weeks. This would entail two pairs of teachers for a two-week period, followed by another two pairs of teachers for the second two-week period. Ideally, it would be good for each pair of teachers to be accommodated by the one host; nevertheless, this might not be practicable.
The hosting need is:
Sunday 14 - Saturday 27 April: four teachers
Saturday 27 April – Saturday 11 May: four teachers
If you have any questions and/or can help, please contact Lindsay Jolley (International Director, Rotary Club of Bendigo South - coordinator for Bendigo visit) on 0416 192 032 or lj@joll.net.
Lindsay Jolley
RC of Bendigo South
Club Service Report from the Feb. Club Forum
Summary of arrangement with Peppergreen Farm Review:
  • See the Club Service Board report for details on the outcome of the review.
  • The café door will not open until 7 am
  • The pod will be open prior to this.
  • The person rostered for set up will put out water, glasses, condiments (found in the          kitchenette). The set-up sheet has been updated.
  • There will be a cover charge for those members who only order a drink (hot or cold).         This will be managed by Peppergreen Farm by making the cost of the drink $10 (this           includes the cost of the drink and the remaining is the cover charge).
  •  Peppergreen Farm will invoice RC Bendigo Sandhurst if there is a shortfall in income         from the breakfasts on that day.
Dinner Badges
  • Club members decided to change the badge to the rectangle design (badge No. 4 on
    the designs circulated).
  • It was also decided to leave the classification off the badge. Charter members can have “Charter Member” added to their badge if they desire and Past President will be included if desired
  • Price is still to be determined if people want to update to the new design, otherwise the new design will be provided to new members when they are inducted.
Rotarian Health & Wellbeing
  •  A reminder to members to notify Toni or one of the committee members if they know of a Club member or a family member who is unwell or would benefit from some support.
Cathie Miller - Club Service
Camp Getaway working bee - Saturday 9th March
Despite the hot conditions a few hardy souls assisted at the Camp Getaway working bee on Saturday morning. Some of the tasks undertaken included garden tidy up, removing debris from the new tennis courts and assessing an old Nissan hut prior to demolition. 
The official opening of the courts will be in the afternoon of Saturday April 6th to mark the significant contribution of Agneco Eagle, Fosterville Gold, to the redevelopment. 
Thanks to all
Paul Kirkpatrick
Madeleine tending the garden.
Tennis court cleaning
Old Nissan hut future??
Help us recruit Rotary Peace Fellow candidates.
Districts and Rotary and Rotaract clubs play a key role in recruiting and recommending Rotary Peace Fellow candidates. Each year, The Rotary Foundation awards fellowships to leaders in peace and development to study at one of the Rotary Peace Centers at premier universities around the world. The fellows can earn a master’s degree or a postgraduate diploma through the professional development certificate program.
The application will be open 1 February through 15 May, and the peace fellows who are selected will begin their studies in 2025. Find out who is eligible and how they can apply.
Help midcareer change-makers and young professionals who have peacebuilding experience apply for a fully funded Rotary Peace Fellowship. Connect with your district Rotary Peace Fellowship subcommittee chair to learn more about recruiting candidates from your communities.

Follow the Rotary Peace Centers’ Facebook page for updates about peace fellows’ work. More than 40 peace fellows have come from District 9800, more than any other district in the world.
For more information, please contact District 9800 Peace Fellow Committee Chair, PDG Murray Verso. Email: verson@netspace.net.au
Cluster club meetings
Tuesday 12.45pm for 1.00pm
The Bendigo Club, Strathdale
Bendigo South
Thursday 6.00pm for 6.15pm
Boatshed Function Room, Lakeview Hotel, Bendigo
Wednesday 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Mechanics Institute, California Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Monday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Gateway Park, Kangaroo Flat
Inner Wheel Bendigo
2nd Tuesday, 11.15am – lunch after meeting
Rising Sun Hotel, Bendigo
Contact: Barb Mitchell 0416 184 096
Wednesday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
The Cumberland Hotel, Castlemaine
2nd and 4th Thursday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Heritage Court House, Rochester
Tuesday 6.30pm
Rotary Park Rooms, Echuca
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