Co-Presidents report – 10 August 2024
Our speaker this week was Denise Jepson from the RC of Castlemaine. Denise presented via Zoom on the program she oversees that involves prisoners
corresponding and maintaining contact with their children through book reading (see Jim’s notes below). This is a relatively simple, and inspiring program with very positive outcomes for all concerned. It was a pleasure to learn of it and we hope it continues for a very long time to come. It may even be transferable to other groups in need of family support and social connection.
Each year, the Bendigo South Rotary Club assists the University of Newcastle to stage the Bendigo leg of their Science and Engineering Challenge. It is designed for secondary school students, with a variety of complex tasks to be analysed and solved. It was great to see the students working in groups and enjoying their teamwork at different stations under direction of Rotary members from different clubs in our region. Tasks included deciphering coded messages and making gliding planes that were launched in different angles to meet their target or go as far as possible (see photos).
Sending and deciphering codes
Launching self-constructed planes
Bendigo South RC has organised a free training session on ‘Lessons in Disaster’ on Sunday, 18th August 2024 from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm at the California Gully Mechanics Institute Hall, 12 School Street, California Gully. There are still places available. A minimum of 12 participants are needed for it to eventuate. See the accompanying flyer for more information on the session and how to book.
The visit to Donations-In-Kind (DIK) was a great success with many Victorian Rotarians attending and enjoying a delicious free lunch. Succinct opening speeches, including from our DG, and a poetic song by Greg Ross preceded the various tours through the complex. It made us proud to be a Rotarian and a supporter of the program when hearing the impact DIK has on repurposing so many goods. Thank you, Eric and Debbie Bish, for driving and navigating the bus whilst we had a lot of fun and interesting conversations on the way.
Of note, Eric mentioned that dates will be announced for their deferred changeover and the annual port and pie night. Also, the Rochester Club now is on FaceBook (Rotary Club of Rochester Inc) and Rotarians are encouraged to follow and like the site. Last but not least, great to hear that Rochester had a successful Rotary information night that was well attended and with a possibility of doubling their membership. Great work.
In the meantime, please keep the last Sunday of this month free to see the interesting vehicles on display at the Federation Picnic, Malone Park, Marong, and to assist with our fundraising on the day. It is always a great fellowship day, and we are set up in a prime position to see some wonderful cars, motorbikes and tractors. For those who are able to work at our barbeque, make sure you allocate some time to inspect the various vehicles and chat to their always interesting owners.
Co-presidents Ray Carrington and Adrian Schoo