The stage events are arguably the most public recognition of what our club does to make the day happen. Our Australia Day Ambassador, Gabrielle Richards, of Bendigo Toyota, delivered a very meaningful speech on her, and her employer’s, determination to make a positive impact on the lives of people living in our region. “To give back to the community in our region”, was part of what she had to say. Just to name two organizations, Bendigo Health and Foodshare have been major beneficiaries of their efforts over the past few years. Many other organizations also benefit each year through their fundraising and sponsorship generosity.
Gabrielle was genuinely chuffed to be publicly acknowledged and honoured by our Organizing Committee, and thus our club, to be this year’s Ambassador, as a sign of the respect we have for her. She was also very generous in her praise of the work we do in general, and in particular, how we have become a valued partner in her, and Bendigo Toyota’s, efforts to help others less fortunate in our community.
Our mayor, Andrea Metcalf, also generously acknowledged the huge contribution we always make, and the appreciation of the COGB in partnering with us to enable the event to happen each year.
Linda excelled in her role as MC, and along with Geoff Michell, the entertainmentmeister, between them they put on a very professional performance to keep the show moving along.
Afterwards, I (Ray) escorted Andrea across to the world’s largest-ever display of 3-wheeled motor bikes and trikes. Between us we selected 3 memorable machines for special mention and awards. Spoiler alert – one sidecar entry was a winner, and at least two members of our club would know the owner. On Wednesday, I will take guesses from the floor as to whom this owner may be ….. I will have a prize for the first correct answer.
The Market. I(Ray) conducted my usual exit poll as stall holders were leaving through the Nolan St carpark. Without exception, all were most impressed with the organization and smoothness of the operation and the great assistance rendered by our members on the day. Some had really successful days, others “very happy”, others commenting that some customers were “being a bit cautious”, but they “still did OK”. All, however, were most impressed with the size of the crowd, and our running of the event. Quite a few said they would be back for Easter – always good to hear. Many, many thanks, Ted, for being the market coordinator and “go-to” person year on year for this main fundraising activity of ours.