Weekly Bulletin
Meets: Wednesdays at 7:00am for 7:30am 
PepperGreen Farm
40-44 Thunder St, North Bendigo 3550
Co-Presidents: Adrian Schoo
                          Ray Carrington
Secretary:        Paul Henderson
Email: secretary@rcobs.com.au
Postal: PO Box 1122 Bendigo 3552
RI President:              Stephanie A. Urchick
District Governor:      Michael Lapina
Assistant Governor:  Alison Bacon
Club No:  25446   Chartered:  2nd June 1988
Key Dates
14 Nov -  Foundation Dinner $45 two-course meal. 6:30pm for 7:00pm at Chasers Function Centre, Lords Raceway, Junortoun. RSVP no later than 7th November 2024 but earlier advice to Wayne Smith, RC of Bendigo at chartall@bigpond.com 
16 Nov Medical Maestros - Lizzie Barrow performs at St Paul's Catherdral fundraiser for Bendigo Health.
16 & 17 Nov - Swap Meet BBQ
Bendigo Toyota Golf day fundraiser for Foodshare plus every entrant gets a chance at the Hole in One prize.
23 Nov - Rochester RC 60th Anniversary. 6.30pm The Shire Hall
27 Nov AGM - Club AGM at PepperGreen breakfast meeting 27 November – see email to members sent by John Harkin 7:26pm 30 Oct 2024
29 Nov (Fri) - Bendigo Community Health Fun Fair at Future Gardens 4-7pm a great fun evening for after school and work. Fiid trucks, BBq icecream, Live music.
8 Dec Christmas Lunch - Boundary Hotel 11.30 for 12noon lunch. Contact Judy. 
1 - 5 May 2025 Barham Weekend 
Phone 5453 2553 to book a site/cabin and say you are from Rotary.
6-11 April 2025 - 47th Annual Golf Tournament South Lakes Golf Club Goolwa SA. Bookings can be made at: Contact - Rob Motteram 0407 617 422
This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssYfYjF67OU)
Welcome to Issue 18 (2024-25) of our weekly bulletin.
 Find out about our upcoming events, who our guest speakers are, what we covered during the last meeting and more!
Can't make our meeting in person please join us via Zoom:
6 Nov
          27 -Nov
Doug Lougoon Members Memories
Kathryn Mackenzie Involvement with TAC
Meeting Location
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Chris Purton
Brian Hinneberg
Doug Lougoon
Stan Hendy
Cathie Miller
Doug Lougoon
Allie Lyall
Ted Gretgrix
Set-Up 6.45am & pack up
Ted Gretgrix
John Harkin
Phil Harris
Brian Hinneberg
Welcome, raffle & roaming microphone
Toni Carrington
Liz Commadeur
John Harkin
Phil Harris
AGM 2024
The Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Sandhurst Inc. will be held at 7:30AM on Wednesday 27 November 2024 at PepperGreen Farm, North Bendigo.
The AGM for 2023-24 will precede our normal breakfast meeting that day, and takes only about 10 minutes.   It will not interfere with a Guest Speaker, if any.  As a quorum of members is needed and if you cannot attend, please call in on Zoom, or provide a proxy.
It is legally required that all Incorporated organisations such as ours hold their AGM by the end of November each year and for the Secretary to advise Consumer Affairs (CAV) by the end of December that the club has complied.
NMembers will receive an email with a copy of the minutes of last year's AGM.  The Agenda of this year's meeting will be similar.
John Harkin
RCoBS continue to  made significant donations from DIK.
Three tubs of toys went to Anglicare. Some cricket bats, hats and other gear too the Karen community
And several boxes to Bendigo Health ED.
Thanks to Graeme & John.
Co-President's report

Co-Presidents Report for 31 October, 2024

With no meeting this week, on Wednesday morning, 11 of us repaired to the Comet Hill Reserve area, alongside Lightning Reef Primary School, for a little bit of gardening. The work consisted of mowing around recently-planted
seedlings and shrubs, then spraying these areas so as to minimise the grow-back of weeds. All went well, and we hope this work gives the plantings a good chance of success in the months ahead. Our thanks go to Phil Britten and
Stew Annan for setting up the project, and to those members who were able to be there on the day. Thanks also to Madeleine and Adrian for putting on a very pleasant morning tea for us.
Radio Campaign on KLFM: Linda Barrow has recorded a 30-second recruitment-type advertisement, and this should be on air very soon. As soon as we can be provided with a schedule, we will send this to members so we can all hear the advert in context on air.
At the meeting held on Tuesday, 29 th October, it was resolved to continue to provide funding for student scholarships in Timor Leste. This means that 8 secondary students and 2 university students will be supported by our club for 2025. This means that since 2017, our club has provided significant financial support for worthy students in the Maubisse community to provide them with opportunities that they would otherwise not have access to. It was also resolved to streamline the clubs’ website presence and domain name listings, for the benefit of club members and the public at large. The Club Runner site has improved in relation to features and search engine access, so we are now taking advantage of this development. Members of our tech team will explain this further at our next club forum.
Rotary Community Group: regular meetings occur in relation to lifting the Rotary profile in our communities. Last Sunday, the discussion centred on sharing what each of the clubs are currently doing, and elaborating on what was working, or what wasn’t working, for each club. Such things as re-connecting with former members, establishing Friends of Rotary lists, radio advertising, use of social media, flyers, pull-up banners, utilising existing Community Newsletters, etc, were all discussed. All promotion should endeavour to be engaging and interesting, with a variety of good quality photos that depict active involvement. Also, it’s desirable to cover a broad range of events/activities to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Members of the Group will use further meetings to share information about the effectiveness of what they have undertaken.
Bendigo Health: last week, Liz Commadeur, Ray and Adrian met with Carlie Ryan, from the hospital’s Fundraising and Foundation division. Carlie explained how our recent donation to the Gobbe Wellness Centre was most usefully
and gratefully spent. The Centre has been so valued and successful that shortly it will expand additionally into an adjoining building. She also mentioned that some items of clothing that can sometimes be sourced from DIK would be valued in their Emegency Department.
Bendigo RSL donation: Some years ago, we made a sizeable donation to the Bendigo RSL Sub-branch for a wellness program for veterans and family members to take place at Camp Getaway. Covid put a stop to that, and the funds were held by the RSL until a decision was made as to how best to use the money. Following consultation with the RSL, our donationl will now be a major contributor to an event to be held at the RSL on Friday evening, 8th November. The event is to support ADF members, Federal & Victoria Police veterans, current serving members, and their partners. In light of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide, this initiative holds particular relevance. The keynote speaker will be Shaun O’Gorman, a well-respected figure in the field of mental health and resilience (see his work at The Strong Life Project).
The board was firmly of the belief that this should be a very fine use of our funds. Stew Annan is to represent us at the event, where we will have our club banner prominently displayed and publicly recognised as a proud supporter
of the event.
Co-presidents Adrian and Ray 

Cluster club meetings
Tuesday 12.45pm for 1.00pm
The Bendigo Club, Strathdale
Bendigo South
Thursday 6.00pm for 6.15pm
Boatshed Function Room, Lakeview Hotel, Bendigo
Wednesday 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Mechanics Institute, California Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Monday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Gateway Park, Kangaroo Flat
Inner Wheel Bendigo
2nd Tuesday, 11.15am – lunch after meeting
Mechanics Institute, School Street, Long Gully
Contact: Bernadette Storer 0407 051 722
Wednesday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
The Cumberland Hotel, Castlemaine
2nd and 4th Thursday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Heritage Court House, Rochester
Tuesday 6.30pm
Rotary Park Rooms, Echuca
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