Weekly Bulletin
Meets: Wednesdays at 7:00am for 7:30am 
PepperGreen Farm
40-44 Thunder St, North Bendigo 3550
Co-Presidents: Adrian Schoo
                          Ray Carrington
Secretary:        John Harkin
Email: secretary@rcobs.com.au
Postal: PO Box 1122 Bendigo 3552
RI President:              Gordon McInally
District Governor:      Ron Payne
Assistant Governor:  Alison Bacon
Club No:  25446   Chartered:  2nd June 1988
Welcome to Issue 45 (2023-24) of our weekly bulletin.
 Find out about our upcoming events, who our guest speakers are, what we covered during the last meeting and more!
Can't make our meeting in person please join us via Zoom:
Our Weekly Roster 
29 May
Club Forum
Merlyn Quaife
A career in opera and music
Club Forum
Andrew Cooney
Council Electoral Restructure
Meeting Location
PepperGreen Farm
PepperGreen Farm
PepperGreen Farm
PepperGreen Farm
Stan Hendy
Brian Hinneberg
    Doug Lougoon  
Stan Hendy
Allie Lyall
Doug Lougoon
      Allie Lyall
Cathie Miller
Set-Up 6.45am
Cathie Miller
Jim Rolfe
     Stew Annan
John Cannon
Stew Annan
Rob Rosaia
     Ned Upton
Toni Carrington
John Cannon
Madeleine Schoo
    Linda Barrow
Phil Harris
Key Dates ..
25-29 May 2024 — Rotary International Convention, Singapore
6th June - Bendigo Maubisse Friendship Group Film night (see link below)
7th July 12 Noon - Bgo Sandhurst Changeover function - Save the date, more details to follow.
28th July - National Tree Planting Day (Save the date for a Club project)
10th August - DIK open day (see link below)
1 - 5 May 2025 Barham Weekend 
Phone 5453 2553 to book a site/cabin and say you are from Rotary.
Presidents report
Our cluster Changeover season is about to start.  First to announce their event is Rochester Rotary Club, to be held on Saturday, 6th July.  It will be run in conjunction with their 60th anniversary of service to their community – a wonderful achievement for them, and indeed, for any service club.  The invitation to our club to attend is included elsewhere in this bulletin.  It would be a good thing if we could support Rochester and celebrate with them with a meaningful number of our members being there on the day.
Our changeover will be held at Camp Getaway on Sunday, 7th July, with a 12 noon for 12.30 pm start.  This year, the event will be catered for by Goldfields Catering, a company whose pleasant services we have used successfully in the past.  Our current District Governor, Ron and his wife Deb, will be in attendance representing the then-current District Governor, Michael Lapina.  We look forward to welcoming Ron and Deb as they start to unwind from what will have been a very busy previous 12 months for them.
Visit to Donations In Kind, at their Open Day on Saturday, 10th August.  Please put this date in your diary if you think there is a chance you would like to visit the DIK storage and dispatch factory at Footscray on the day.  It is a superb facility, packed with all sorts of goods that can be offered to our clubs to assist people and organizations in need, both here in Australia and overseas.  DIK volunteers will be providing food for attendees on the day.
Rochester Rotary Club has their 24-seater bus available on the day, complete with one of their members who is a qualified driver.  If there are sufficient numbers of Bendigo Rotarians, not just from our club, who wish to take the bus to the DIK storage facility, the charge would be $20 per person.  This seems like very good value, and a good fellowship opportunity.  It’s early days yet, but think about having a most interesting tour of the facility, with a free meal and a fair few laughs on the day thrown in.
Volunteer Recognition Day at the Bendigo RSL, was held on Friday, to coincide with National Volunteers Week.  Our club had received an invitation to attend, and so Stan, Ian, Toni and Ray represented RCoBS at this celebratory function.  There were around 150 guests of the RSL on the day.  The RSL presented awards to a number of their particularly hard-working and dedicated volunteers, some of whom were quite overcome with their unexpected recognition.  The main awards were to supporters of the RSL’s focus on ongoing provision of assistance, advice and welfare for ex-servicemen and women and their family members.  Awards were also given to people who had worked very hard in fund-raising to enable this valued assistance, as well as the team of volunteers who year-round staff the Memorial Hall in Pall Mall.
It was good that some of us were able to represent RCoBS on the day; we know the RSL is very appreciative of our efforts each year when cooking at the Anzac Day Gunfire breakfast – hence the invitation.
Club Forum is the highlight of next weeks’ meeting.  An email has gone out from Club Service Director Cathie, setting out the agenda for the day.  We look forward to members’ constructive suggestions and ideas on how we may operate in the short to medium term.  Longer-term, it will be interesting to see how the regionalization project trial unfolds; for a start, Assistant District Governors will not exist from 1st  July – they will effectively be replaced by the Community Group Leaders.
*Note the latest Rotary Donations in Kind newsletter is available on their website at rotarydik.org
Co-presidents Ray Carrington and Adrian Schoo
Guest speaker - Tim Drylie
Our guest speaker this week was Tim Drylie, of the Bendigo Sustainability Group.  Tim is the Group’s Zero Emissions Business Education & Engagement Officer.  His role involves audits of the energy usage of local businesses so that he can advise them of what’s possible in their attempts to reduce their energy consumption.
Tim has worked with a number of local businesses as case studies through the BSG’s “Beat The Power Bills Program”.  This innovative and free program throughout the greater Bendigo area provides businesses with knowledge and practical advice as to how they may be able to reduce their electricity and gas consumption.
Apart from the installation of solar panels for instance, such measures as trying to reduce or eliminate draughts, better ceiling and wall insulation, use of LED lighting and motion sensor lights, air curtains, and underfloor insulation where possible, are important factors in the reduction of energy usage in a business or residential situation.
A combination of the above measures and others where applicable, has the potential to reduce energy usage by up to 45% in some instances.  Households can get an assessment for $400-$500, and a rebate of $140 applies.
The BSG is also very committed to the notion of getting us all to think in terms of a circular economy in order to extend the life cycle of all manner of products.  By this model of production and consumption, the re-use, repair, refurbishing and recycling of existing materials and goods for as long as possible leads to more efficient use of them and better environmental outcomes.  A search of the BSG website shows us that their local Repair Shop initiative is a striking example of this very important concept.
Tim also mentioned that creative re-use of products is also leading to the creation of new businesses.  Two examples he gave was the use of human hair as a soil improver, and the use of human and animal hair on occasions to soak up oil spills in contaminated waterways.
We thank Tim very much for his informative and thought-provoking presentation to our club.  We also congratulate him and the Bendigo Sustainability Group in their efforts to reduce our regions’ energy usage and to encourage the widespread adoption of the circular economy model of production and consumption as quickly as possible.
We're not telling a furphy, we donated one

Last week we headed out to Axedale’s Camp Getaway to donate our decommissioned Furphy Watercart to support the camp site’s fire fighting and fire management capabilities.

Fosterville Gold Mine recently had to upgrade their watercart to meet current requirements, so we put the message out to community partners, to see if anyone was in need of a watercart which is still in good working condition.

“The Furphy watercart – which is basically a water tank on a trailer with a pump and hosing – is quite a sought after piece of equipment, so we wanted to ensure that we passed it on to a community organisation that could put it to good use,” explained Derek Fathers, Building Supervisor at Fosterville Gold Mine.

The board at Axedale’s Camp Getaway – a camp run by the Rotary Clubs of District 9800, which has hosted thousands of schools and community groups over the years – were quick to take up the offer.

The Camp Getaway board expressed their sincere thanks to Fosterville Gold Mine for the watercart, which will significantly improve their fire fighting capability and ensure the safety of their visitors during fire seasons.


BELOW: Camp Getaway Board members were pleased to take delivery of the donated watercart. Pictured from left to right are: Graham Neivandt; Tom Dobeli; Benji Harrold – Camp Getaway Managing Caretaker; Derek Fathers – Building Supervisor at Fosterville Gold Mine; Wayne Smith – Camp Getaway Chairman; Glenda Bryson – Camp Getaway Treasurer; Leon Scott and Ken Maxfield – Camp Getaway Secretary.

Travelling Rotarians scoot around Scarborough
In the latest adventures of our travelling club members, Paul and Clare recently decided to live dangerously.
Here they are, scooting around beautiful Scarborough beach in Perth.
We are happy to report that there was no need for the fracture clinic and they have returned safely to Bendigo.
Each month Rotary has a theme. 
Rotary Month Theme for May – Youth Service Month
The month of May is designated as “Youth Service Month” to focus on all Rotary activities that support the development of young people up to the age of 30.
This week's laugh:
Cluster club meetings
Tuesday 12.45pm for 1.00pm
The Bendigo Club, Strathdale
Bendigo South
Thursday 6.00pm for 6.15pm
Boatshed Function Room, Lakeview Hotel, Bendigo
Wednesday 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Mechanics Institute, California Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Monday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Gateway Park, Kangaroo Flat
Inner Wheel Bendigo
2nd Tuesday, 11.15am – lunch after meeting
Rising Sun Hotel, Bendigo
Contact: Barb Mitchell 0416 184 096
Wednesday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
The Cumberland Hotel, Castlemaine
2nd and 4th Thursday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Heritage Court House, Rochester
Tuesday 6.30pm
Rotary Park Rooms, Echuca
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