Co-Presidents Report – 15th June 2024
This weeks’ Club Forum was particularly productive, with plenty of information provided from various directors. A number of issues were discussed, and future actions decided upon.
Just a few items to be mentioned here - members decided to make a substantial donation to the Rotary Foundation’s polio eradication program, the Polio Plus Fund. This is in addition to our annual commitment to the Foundations’ general fund.
Our involvement with the Reclink program starts again this Wednesday, with the usual barbeque at the California Gully oval, and again a fortnight later.
Next month, we will be involved with site marking-out duties for the Wool & Sheep Show.
Our meeting also welcomed Kevin Reade and Ted Gretgrix attending remotely from Amsterdam, just prior to commencing a Rhine River cruise to Budapest. They either found our Forum interesting, or had nothing better to do, as by the time our meeting was over, it was around midnight in the Netherlands. It was good to see them both, and to hear a bit about their travels so far with their respective wives, Deb and Liz.
Cluster club changeover functions are coming up soon, and in our role as co-presidents, we will ensure our club is represented at each event by at least one of us. Speaking of which, if you are intending to be part of ours, please register and pay as soon as you can, preferably before the end of this week. It is to be held at Camp Getaway on Sunday, 7th July, with a 12noon for 12.30 start. The cost is $45.00 per person, with catering to be done by Goldfields Catering.
Co-presidents Ray Carrington and Adrian Schoo