Weekly Bulletin
Meets: Wednesdays at 7:00am for 7:30am 
PepperGreen Farm
40-44 Thunder St, North Bendigo 3550
Co-Presidents: Adrian Schoo
                          Ray Carrington
Secretary:        Paul Henderson
Email: secretary@rcobs.com.au
Postal: PO Box 1122 Bendigo 3552
RI President:              Stephanie A. Urchick
District Governor:      Michael Lapina
Assistant Governor:  Alison Bacon
Club No:  25446   Chartered:  2nd June 1988
Key Dates
26th Jan 2025 - Community Day at Lake Weeroona.
1 - 2 Feb. 2025 - Camp Getaway Working Bee (see notice below)
11th Feb. 2025 - Change of date for Special Speaker's Dinner. See further information below
25th Feb. 2025 - Social Bowls night with RC of Bgo South.
1 - 5 May 2025 Barham Weekend 
Phone 5453 2553 to book a site/cabin and say you are from Rotary.
16th - 18th May 2025 - Multi District Impact Summit (District Conf.) Adelaide. See info below.
This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssYfYjF67OU)
Welcome to Issue 28 (2024-25) of our weekly bulletin. Find out about our upcoming events, who our guest speakers are, what we covered during the last meeting and more!
Can't make our meeting in person please join us via Zoom:
No meeting
Alison Smith
LMR Palliative Care Manager
Club Transformation
Zone 8 materials
Caity Hickey
Kieser Physiotherapy
Meeting Location
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Brian Hinneberg
Doug Lougoon
Stan Hendy
Ted Gretgrix
Ray Carrington
Toni Carrington
Set-Up 6.45am & pack up
Judy Miatke
Geoff Michell
Cathie Miller
Welcome, raffle & roaming microphone
Cathie Miller
Chris Purton
Kevin Reade
Co-President's report
Co-Presidents Report for 26 January, 2025
Apart from some directors’ reports to update members, our last club meeting focused on preparing for Australia Day and its many activities, including the operation of the market.
The Big Day.  Linda Barrow was the MC, and as usual, did a great job in running the official part of the proceedings and introducing the various performers throughout the day.  All done with style and a smile in her voice.  Thank you very much Linda, for doing this important job so well again.
Our club congratulates the Bendigo Citizen of the Year, Glenda Serpell, and the Young Citizen of the Year, Pollyanna Smith, on their well-deserved acknowledgement by the City as outstanding contributors to the betterment of our society. 
Glenda is the founder and a director of Sunshine Bendigo, a community-based volunteer group, established in 2016, which aims to provide practical support to families in need of a helping hand.  Sunshine collects, sorts and redistributes essential new and pre-loved baby goods and nursery equipment to families in need in the central Victoria region.
Pollyanna is a very accomplished and high-achieving member of the Guides.  As well, she is a younger person who gets enormous pleasure and satisfaction from volunteering in other areas.  She spoke passionately about the enrichment of her life through volunteering, and encouraged all those present to consider also volunteering somewhere as part of their lives.
Our club received a generous thankyou from Mayor Andrea, on behalf of the City, for the effort we always put in to make the Australia Day celebrations a most enjoyable and successful day for our community.  She also acknowledged the great contribution made by the many other volunteers who help to make the day possible.
After the official proceedings, we walked with the mayor, Andrea Metcalf, across to the motorbike display to pick three favourites; Mayor’s choice; RCOBS co-presidents choice; and the oldest machine.  Unbeknown to Andrea, she picked one of John Cannon’s bikes, and who, in contrast with his colleagues, was ecstatic about his third-time win. (Spoiler alert – he may very well not win next year …).  Thanks, John, for all the work you done to put this very popular display on for the past 3 years.
The weather was very kind to us and the feedback of the market stall holders was very positive.  Several stallholders enjoyed exceptional sales, but fair to say, most not quite as well as this.  Each year we put the market on, we draw big crowds, and hope the stallholders do very well.  At the bump-out, many stallholders remarked on how our market is always so very well run, and how good our members are in assisting them with any problems that may arise on the day.  The great majority said they were looking forward to our Easter markets, and also intended to return next Australia Day.  Congratulations to market coordinator Colleen, and to Ted and the other members of the Market Team, for their hard work and success again this year.
Thanks also to every other club member and our much-appreciated volunteers, who were able to help make the big day successful, with their work prior to the day, and on the day.  There’s a lot to do in areas other than the market, in order to make the day as successful as it has become.
At the end of the day, it is always very pleasurable to have a rest, socialise and enjoy some refreshments in the shade of the trees after the event.  There’s always a few stories to be told of what happened during the day, usually interesting and amusing.  Thanks to Pat Sheehan, for providing us with some drinks, as he does each year, and it was a suitable time to thank Peter Rainey, our Australia Day coordinator, who has done this vital job for 16 years.
We find it hard to adequately thank Peter for the time and effort he has put in over the years to get the event to the level it has now reached.  It’s the clubs’ signature event, and is a great advertisement of what our club in particular, and Rotary in general, can achieve, in adding to the civic life of Bendigo.  Thank you very, very much, Peter, for all you have done in enabling this event to be so important in Bendigo.
Just a reminder about the Camp Getaway working bee this coming weekend.  Please look further in the bulletin for more details and let us know if you can make it.  Morning tea and lunch will be provided.
As mentioned in the last bulletin, the Bendigo Rotary Club has arranged for a Special Speaker’s Evening get-together at the Bendigo Club, Park St, Strathdale, for Tuesday, 11th February, at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.  The guest speaker is to be Associate Professor Janelle Brennan, a local urological surgeon.  Janelle will be speaking on the capabilities and importance to our region of the da Vinci Xi Robot, a machine which will eventually be installed at the St John of God Hospital here in Bendigo.  All members of the Bendigo and regional Rotary clubs are invited to be present on the night.  RSVP by 5th February to Dianne Petrie, email  Pinjarra@internode.on.net   or 0439 431 256.  As a consequence, we have now moved our first board meeting for the year to the 4th February.
Finally, we have included this years’ Australia Day speech that Ray delivered to the audience on behalf of RCOBS members.  We thought it would be of interest to members, as most of us are flat-out working on the day, and never get to hear the clubs’ official speech to the audience.  We hope you approve of it.
Co-presidents Ray and Adrian
Co-President Ray's speech during the Australia Day formalities. 
Hello to you all, and thanks for coming along today.
For 26 years now, the Bendigo Sandhurst Rotary Club has organized this Community Day event here at the lake, with enormous help from the City of Greater Bendigo, and many community volunteers, and we are very grateful for this assistance.
It’s a very important event for our club, and we get a lot of pleasure in organizing it each year.  We have always meant for it to be a happy and relaxed family day out, with plenty of attractions and things to do for kids and adults.
Fortunately, we are always well supported by many groups and clubs, and local talented musicians, and it’s a reminder of how fortunate we are to be living in Australia, and Bendigo in particular.
Our club, along with the other Rotary clubs in Bendigo, focuses on trying to do good in the world.  We try to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others - in this region, in other parts of Australia, and often, overseas.
We, and the other Rotary clubs, are a service club, not a money-raising club.  Yes, we do raise money during the year, but we try to spend it wisely, so we can use it to maximum good effect.
Just some things we do are:
We provide scholarships and assistance to some local schools to help needy students,
We provide manpower at times to Foodshare,
We asssist with flood & fire relief & cleanups,
We provide financial support for the Bendigo Police Blue Light Programme,
We do tree planting from time to time,
We support the Bendigo Easter Fair Society, and many other local projects and activities.
It’s not all hard work during the year - we enjoy a lot of laughs and friendship along the way.
I have a bit of a plug here – we would really welcome some extra assistance at times.  This event is an example of what our club can achieve.
If you like what you see today, and you think you or someone you know might be able to help us out from time to time at certain events, or consider becoming a member, we’d love to talk to you.  Please go to our information tent behind you, for a big and friendly welcome.
In closing, the Bendigo Sandhurst Rotary Club hopes you continue to enjoy the day, and again, we would especially like to thank the City Of Greater Bendigo for all they have done to help us put on this event today.
Thank you.
So much to see and do at the Community Day. Here are some snap shots from the day
The nerve centre
BBQ tent
Children's activities tents
Mayor Andrea Metcalf and Co President Ray doing the judging of the 3 wheelers
A 1200cc Vincent - one of the oldest and rarest 3 wheelers
Taking your best friend along for a ride
Food court in the market area
The main stage for the formalities and music all day
Historic vehicles
At the last Club meeting, Paul gave us a glimpse into the recent Elvis train journey from Sydney to Parkes for the Elvis Festival that he attended with Greg McBain (one of our Rotary Friends)
Greg and Paul
Paul demonstrating the pose for us
This was the national winner who will go on to compete in USA
In 2013 Rotary Bendigo Sandhurst was instrumental in building a self composting toilet block at an orphanage in Uganda. This project was driven by past member Brian Hodge.
Below is a report on the success of the project.
Camp Getaway Working - Cleaning Bee
The weekend of the 1 & 2 Feb 2025 is the date set for the Camp Getaway maintenance working bee. Coordinator Ken Maxfield will be contacting Clubs for numbers around mid-January.  Please if you able to give some time over the two days put it in your calendar now.
This is an important District asset which needs to be regularly maintained. 
CHANGE OF DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES – Hope to see you there.
Date:  11th February  2025
Time: 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Venue:  Bendigo Club, Naismith Room, 22 Park St Strathdale 3550
Members can order a light lunch for $20.00 pp. Drinks can be ordered from the Bar.
Parking is available on the grounds.
Guest Speaker:    Associate Professor Janelle Brennan, (FRACS Urol)
Urological surgeon will be presenting on the capabilities and importance of the da Vinci Xi Robot.
 Dr Janelle Brennan is an Australian-based health professional. Janelle is trained as a urologist and has a practice located in Bendigo.
Dr. Brennan is one of the leading urologists in Bendigo. She offers high quality care, showcasing the latest innovations designed to deliver the best outcomes. She specialises in uro-oncology, bladder, prostate and renal conditions. She takes pride in timeliness, dignity and honesty. Janelle tries to treat her patients as she wants to be treated. She has a special interest in pelvic organ prolapse, stress incontinence and urethral stones. She also specialises in overactive urinary bladder and lower urinary tract symptoms.
Goldfields Urology first started in Bendigo in October 2010 when A/Prof Janelle Brennan moved to Bendigo.  The original location was 20 Drought Street Bendigo.  Our current property at 38 Myers Street Bendigo was purchased in 2011 and Goldfields Urology moved in March 2012 when renovations were completed. 
Janelle grew up in Ararat where she attended primary and secondary school and was accepted into Medicine at the University of Melbourne in 1992. She spent her first 3 years in residence at St. Mary’s College where she was the debating and sports captain. She graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 1997 and then went on to do further post-graduate surgical training at St. Vincent’s Public Hospital, Melbourne.
Janelle completed her training as a general surgeon in 2003. This was followed by two years of full time research at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne looking at the molecular biology of metastatic bladder cancer. She then commenced urology training in 2006 and became a qualified urological surgeon in February 2009. She completed a further fellowship year at North Shore Hospital, Auckland focusing on uro-oncology and female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS).
RSVP 16/1/2024 Dianne Petrie  E: Pinjarra@internode.on.net M: 0439 431 256
Early Bird Registration for the Impact Summit closes 31/1/25
Cluster club meetings
Tuesday 12.45pm for 1.00pm
The Bendigo Club, Strathdale
Bendigo South
Thursday 6.00pm for 6.15pm
Boatshed Function Room, Lakeview Hotel, Bendigo
Wednesday 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Mechanics Institute, California Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Monday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Gateway Park, Kangaroo Flat
Inner Wheel Bendigo
2nd Tuesday, 11.15am – lunch after meeting
Mechanics Institute, School Street, Long Gully
Contact: Bernadette Storer 0407 051 722
Wednesday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
The Cumberland Hotel, Castlemaine
2nd and 4th Thursday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Heritage Court House, Rochester
Tuesday 6.30pm
Rotary Park Rooms, Echuca
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