Weekly Bulletin
Meets: Wednesdays at 7:00am for 7:30am 
PepperGreen Farm
40-44 Thunder St, North Bendigo 3550
Co-Presidents: Adrian Schoo
                          Ray Carrington
Secretary:        Paul Henderson
Email: secretary@rcobs.com.au
Postal: PO Box 1122 Bendigo 3552
RI President:              Stephanie A. Urchick
District Governor:      Michael Lapina
Assistant Governor:  Alison Bacon
Club No:  25446   Chartered:  2nd June 1988
Key Dates
26th Jan 2025 - Community Day at Lake Weeroona.
1 - 2 Feb. 2025 - Camp Getaway Working Bee (see notice below)
25th Feb. 2025 - Social Bowls night with RC of Bgo South.
1 - 5 May 2025 Barham Weekend 
Phone 5453 2553 to book a site/cabin and say you are from Rotary.
16th - 18th May 2025 - Multi District Impact Summit (District Conf.) Adelaide. See info below.
This year, let us change the world by embracing The Magic of Rotary.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssYfYjF67OU)
Welcome to Issue 27 (2024-25) of our weekly bulletin. Find out about our upcoming events, who our guest speakers are, what we covered during the last meeting and more!
Can't make our meeting in person please join us via Zoom:
Club Forum
Australia Day preparations
No meeting
Alison Smith
LMR Palliative Care Manager
Meeting Location
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Peppergreen Farm
Chris Purton
Brian Hinneberg
Doug Lougoon
Allie Lyall
Ted Gretgrix
Ray Carrington
Set-Up 6.45am & pack up
Colleen McCarthy
Judy Miatke
Geoff Michell
Welcome, raffle & roaming microphone
Geoff Michell
Cathie Miller
Chris Purton
Co-President's report
Co-Presidents Report for 17 January, 2025
The New Year started off with a well-attended and lively club meeting. It is always amazing how much we can fit in a limited amount of time, including fellowship before, during and after, a light-hearted meeting.
The highlight of our meeting was the induction of two previous members, Kathryn Mackenzie and Kevin Dobson. Both Kathryn and Kevin were valued members of the club previously, but either resigned or transferred to another Rotary Club club due to their respective work situations. It’s great to have them back in the club now they are both in Bendigo for the long term. We look forward to hearing from each of them at future meetings as to what happened in their lives after their departure from Bendigo up until the present time. Again, a very big welcome from club members to both Kathryn and Kevin.
The Australia Day and market committees are busy preparing for our big upcoming event and no doubt we all have it on our calendar to support this great community event. At our meeting next week we will get our final briefing from our coordinator Peter Rainey as we fine-tune our arrangements and responsibilities for the day. As you know, the display of motorbike sidecars and trikes, in the northern carpark area, is very popular. Just for a bit of fun, there are 3 prizes to be awarded this year, as per last year. Our Mayor, Andrea Metcalf, has again graciously agreed to be a judge and to pick her favourite. Adrian and Ray will be picking their favourite on behalf of our club, and there is another prize for the oldest trike or sidecar. It’s a good opportunity for both the City and our club to recognize and thank the riders for their efforts to organize the display and support our club-run community event.
Cathie Miller gave us an overview of our Strategic Plan, whereby she outlined our aims and objectives in growing and improving our club. It was heartening to see quite a number of our members volunteering to serve on the various committees that are going to work on discrete projects and actions for the future. Regular updates will be part of the Plan so we are all kept abreast of developments as they occur. Everyone’s opinion is respected and valued, so if a member has an issue or an idea to be put forward for consideration, please do so, as you will be heard and action can be taken if deemed necessary.
Liz Commadeur reported that our clubs’ assistance to Foodshare over the Christmas holiday period was greatly appreciated by the organization. By helping to collect all manner of excess food from supermarkets that would otherwise go to landfill, and taking it to other organizations for further distribution, our participating members were able to give Foodshare volunteers a well-earned break for a few weeks at that time of year. Thank you to those members who were able to help out in this unfortunately necessary social program.
Stew Annan reported that the tree and shrub-planting project we carried out late last year alongside the Lightning Reef Primary School has been quite successful so far. Not all plants have survived, but a fair proportion have. He believes we should have another working bee in the relatively near future, so as to keep on top of the weeds, do some watering, etc. He will let us know when he thinks it’s most appropriate, so our previous efforts don’t go to waste. Thank you, Stew, for all the effort you put in to keep this excellent project alive and well.
The Bendigo Rotary Club has arranged for a Special Speaker’s Evening get-together at the Bendigo Club, Park St, Strathdale, for Tuesday, 11th February, at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. The guest speaker is to be Associate Professor Janelle Brennan, a local urological surgeon. Janelle will be speaking on the capabilities and importance to our region of the da Vinci Xi Robot, a machine which will eventually be installed at the St John of God Hospital here in Bendigo. All members of the Bendigo and regional Rotary clubs are invited to be present on the night. RSVP by 5th February to Dianne Petrie, email Pinjarra@internode.on.net or 0439 431 256.
As a consequence, we have now moved our first board meeting for the year to the 4th February. Co-presidents Ray and Adrian
Adrian, Kevin, Kathryn & Ray
Ray inducting Kathryn
Ray inducting Kevin
Member Presentation- Adrian Schoo
Adrian provided members with an overview of his wide range of experiences as a Physiotherapist. Adrian graduated in 1974 and since then has undertaken a range of postgraduate studies and short-term clinical courses. He has played a very significant role in the development of Physiotherapy in Bendigo. He was head of physiotherapy at Bendigo Base Hospital from 1982 until 1987 and oversaw the development of the rehabilitation program, including the hydrotherapy pool, at Mt Alvernia Hospital from 1987 until 1992. Adrian played a big part in setting up and supporting Physiotherapy Centre Bendigo from 1992 until his retirement from clinical work in 2018.
Adrian recalled his decision to move to Australia from Holland in 1982. It was a chance meeting with Australian colleagues during the World Conference of Acupuncture in 1981 that convinced him about the benefits of living in Australia. Before this he and Madeleine had settled on Norway. They had even learned the Norwegian language. Adrian's work extended into university education and research. He set up a new curriculum at La Trobe University, Bendigo. His work in the private sector included a secondment to the Australian Olympic Committee where he worked with the Australian judo and wrestling teams at the East Asian Games in 2011.
Adrian has been a key player in the promotion of health in Bendigo. He has always demonstrated an ability to apply his deep knowledge gained by his dedication to research and study to the ordinary everyday needs of the community. It was wonderful to hear that  Physiotherapy Centre Bendigo was twice finalist in the  Business Excellence Awards of in 1994 and1996, and Category Winner (2-4 Employees) in the Regional Fair Trading Awards for excellence in customer service. Adrian has done a lot to forge links with other organisations such as Workcover. Physiotherapy Centre Bendigo still plays a big part in getting people back to work after a workplace injury.
Adrian has contributed to improved health outcomes well beyond Bendigo. He was responsible for setting up the graduate entry program for Flinders University and he is highly regarded on the international scene. Enhancing motivation for physical exercise and activity has been a focus area for the research work Adrian has undertaken. We thank Adrian for his very engaging presentation and we congratulate and thank him for his many professional contributions to the community. All this alongside being a very devoted Rotarian.
Lifeline free workshops
  • Bendigo - DV-alert
  • Wednesday 29 January & Thursday 30 January 
  • Central Deborah Motel Conference Room
    177 High Street Bendigo
Bendigo safeTALK
Wednesday 5 February 
  • 9:30 am -1:00 pm
  • Bendigo Library - Activity Room 1
    259 Hargreaves Street Bendigo
BENDIGO DV-aware 2 hour
  • Central Deborah Motel Conference Room
    177 High Street Bendigo
Camp Getaway Working - Cleaning Bee
The weekend of the 1 & 2 Feb 2025 is the date set for the Camp Getaway maintenance working bee. Coordinator Ken Maxfield will be contacting Clubs for numbers around mid-January.  Please if you able to give some time over the two days put it in your calendar now.
This is an important District asset which needs to be regularly maintained. 
The Annual Social Lawn Bowls evening with RC of Bendigo South is on again in 2025. The date is 25th Feb 2025.  Please save the date, more information will follow closer to the date.
Early Bird Registration for the Impact Summit closes 31/1/25
Cluster club meetings
Tuesday 12.45pm for 1.00pm
The Bendigo Club, Strathdale
Bendigo South
Thursday 6.00pm for 6.15pm
Boatshed Function Room, Lakeview Hotel, Bendigo
Wednesday 6.15pm for 6.30pm
Mechanics Institute, California Gully
Kangaroo Flat
Monday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Rotary Gateway Park, Kangaroo Flat
Inner Wheel Bendigo
2nd Tuesday, 11.15am – lunch after meeting
Mechanics Institute, School Street, Long Gully
Contact: Bernadette Storer 0407 051 722
Wednesday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
The Cumberland Hotel, Castlemaine
2nd and 4th Thursday 6.00pm for 6.30pm
Heritage Court House, Rochester
Tuesday 6.30pm
Rotary Park Rooms, Echuca
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